top 6 biceps and triceps exercises

6 amazing exercises for biceps and triceps 


  •    Single arm spider DB preacher curl     

  1. Start out by setting the bar on the part of the preacher bench that you would normally sit on. Make sure to align the barbell properly so that it is balanced and will not fall off.
  2. Move to the front side of the preacher bench (the part where the arms usually lay) and position yourself to lay at a 45 degree slant with your torso and stomach pressed against the front side of the preacher bench.
  3. Make sure that your feet (especially the toes) are well positioned on the floor and place your upper arms on top of the pad located on the inside part of the preacher bench.
  4. Use your arms to grab the barbell with a supinated grip (palms facing up) at about shoulder width apart or slightly closer from each other.
  5. Slowly begin to lift the barbell upwards and exhale. Hold the contracted position for a second as you squeeze the biceps
  6. Slowly begin to bring the barbell back to the starting position as your breathe in. .
  7. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Variation: You can also use dumbbells when performing this exercise. Just make sure you place the dumbbells on the part of the preacher bench where you would normally sit properly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

  • Concentration curls

  1. Sit down on a flat bench with one dumbbell in front of you between your legs. Your legs should be spread with your knees bent and feet on the floor.
  2. Use your right arm to pick the dumbbell up. Place the back of your right upper arm on the top of your inner right thigh. Rotate the palm of your hand until it is facing forward away from your thigh. Tip: Your arm should be extended and the dumbbell should be above the floor. This will be your starting position.
  3. While holding the upper arm stationary, curl the weights forward while contracting the biceps as you breathe out. Only the forearms should move. Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Tip: At the top of the movement make sure that the little finger of your arm is higher than your thumb. This guarantees a good contraction. Hold the contracted position for a second as you squeeze the biceps.
  4. Slowly begin to bring the dumbbells back to starting position as your breathe in. Caution: Avoid swinging motions at any time.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions. Then repeat the movement with the left arm.
Concentration CurlsConcentration CurlsVariations: This exercise can be performed standing with the torso bent forward and the arm in front of you. In this case, no leg support is used for the back of your arm so you will need to make extra effort to ensure no movement of the upper arm. This is a more challenging version of the exercise and is not recommended for people with lower back issues

  • Flexor Incline Dumbbell Curls            

Flexor Incline Dumbbell CurlsFlexor Incline Dumbbell Curls

  1. Hold the dumbbell towards the side farther from you so that you have more weight on the side closest to you. (This can be done for a good effect on all bicep dumbbell exercises). Now do a normal incline dumbbell curl, but keep your wrists as far back as possible so as to neutralize any stress that is placed on them.

  1. Sit on an incline bench that is angled at 45-degrees while holding a dumbbell on each hand.
  2. Let your arms hang down on your sides, with the elbows in, and turn the palms of your hands forward with the thumbs pointing away from the body. Tip: You will keep this hand position throughout the movement as there should not be any twisting of the hands as they come up. This will be your starting position.
  3. Curl up the two dumbbells at the same time until your biceps are fully contracted and exhale. Tip: Do not swing the arms or use momentum. Keep a controlled motion at all times. Hold the contracted position for a second at the top.
  4. As you inhale, slowly go back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Caution: Do not extend your arms totally as you could injure your elbows if you hyperextend them. Also, make sure that on the way down you move slowly to avoid injury.
Variations: You can use cables for this movement as well.


  • Close-Grip Barbell Bench

Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press
 Lie back on a flat bench. Using a close grip (around shoulder width), lift the bar from the rack and hold it straight over you with your arms locked. This will be your starting position

  • close-grip Dumbell Press

Close-Grip Dumbbell PressClose-Grip Dumbbell Press


  1. Place a dumbbell standing up on a flat bench.
  2. Ensuring that the dumbbell stays securely placed at the top of the bench, lie perpendicular to the bench with only your shoulders lying on the surface. Hips should be below the bench and your legs bent with your feet firmly on the floor.
  3. Grasp the dumbbell with both hands and hold it straight over your chest at arms length. Both palms should be pressing against the underside of the sides of the dumbbell. This will be your starting position.
  4. Initiate the movement by lowering the dumbbell to your chest.
  5. Return to the starting position by extending the elbows.                                                             

    EZ-Bar Skullcrusher
  • EZ -bar Skullcrusher 

    EZ-Bar Skullcrusher
  1.     Using a close grip, lift the EZ bar and hold it with your elbows in as you lie on the bench. Your arms should be perpendicular to the floor. This will be your starting position.
  2.     the upper arms stationary, lower the bar by allowing the elbows to flex. Inhale as you perform this portion of the movement. Pause once the bar is directly above the forehead.
  3.     Lift the bar back to the starting position by extending the elbow and exhaling.

hope this will be helpful :)
